Taking action for trade justice: Ayrshire Global Justice Now

by James Dippie, member of Ayrshire Global Justice Now

Ayrshire Global Justice Now is one of a number of local Global Justice Now groups across Scotland which campaign locally on trade justice, climate justice and issues around global inequality and corporate power.

For those of us who believe in the right of all to individual and community well-being worldwide, regardless of culture, religious belief, race, ethnicity, colour or sexual orientation, Global Justice Now affords opportunities to promote awareness of injustices worldwide and highlight better ways of doing things.

Following the introduction of COVID 19 pandemic guidelines in Spring 2020 we have continued our monthly meetings – but by Zoom rather than by our previously in-person meetings in Irvine venues.

Prior to Spring 2020 we hosted a local street stall once a month, usually in Irvine but occasionally in Kilmarnock or Ayr.  At these we highlighted the prioritised Global Justice Now issues of the time which has often been linked concerns about trade justice.

We’re really pleased to say that we’ve now held our first street stall since the 2020 introduction of COVID 19 guidelines – as our contribution to the Corporate Courts vs The ClimateSeptember 2021 action.

Our street stalls have resulted in numerous interesting conversations with members of the public on climate change and trade justice issues and prior to the pandemic our group would also occasionally organise public meetings.

One example is a meeting aimed at raising awareness of the behaviour of large pharmaceutical companies in restricting access to life saving medicines. Rules on patents and intellectual property rights that are often contained in trade deals can restrict access to medicines. This is something former Global Justice Now staff member Heidi Chow spoke about via an online link to a group of campaigners who had come together in a local community centre.

We have also recently held an online meeting with James West from Compassion in World Farming speaking on the work his organisation undertakes in relation to farm animal welfare issues and how trade deal agreements can impact on these animal welfare issues.

Hopefully we’ll now at last be able to get back to something like our regular previous in-person campaigning – and that we’ll maybe also soon be able to resume in-person monthly meetings.

The work of the Ayrshire Global Justice Now Branch is organised by a small group of local activists from a variety of political and campaigning backgrounds.

Anyone who is a member of Global Justice Now, or interested in our campaigns and based in Ayrshire would be very welcome to become involved in our group and help swell our numbers.

For more information about our planned activities see our Facebook Page at:


Alternatively contact Arthur West:    

Email:-             arthurwest7@hotmail.com

Mobile:-           07826 127759