We are a coalition of trade unions, campaigning organisations and local activists. We came together in 2015 to oppose TTIP and CETA – two big trade deals being negotiated by the EU, US and Canada that threatened to give new powers to corporations while privatising our public services, and weakening the democratic rights of ordinary citizens. Working with a wider coalition across Europe, our campaign was successful in stopping TTIP in its tracks, and endangering the ratification of CETA.
Now we have left the EU, our focus has moved to bad trade deals the UK is threatening to make with other countries as well as bad trade deals that already exits, such as the Energy Charter Treaty.
We are also campaigning for better scrutiny of trade deals, and fought to amend the trade bill at Westminster to make the development of trade policy and trade deals a properly democratic process. Unfortunately, we lost that fight for now – but we know there will be more opportunities to demand change and we are keeping our eyes peeled.
We still believe that this time of change could be a time of opportunity for the UK and Scotland to develop a properly inclusive, democratic and ethical trade policy. We’ve developed a set of principles for a just trade system that we believe all trade deals should be based on.
The coalition meets regularly to propose lobbying meetings with politicians, write to the Scottish and UK government on trade related issues, prepare briefings, hold public awareness events and organise local stalls.
If you are interested in getting involved, as an individual activist, or as an organisation, please get in touch.

Members of the Trade Justice Scotland Coalition
Compassion in World Farming Scotland
Public and Commercial Services Union Scotland
The Professional Trade Unions for Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers Scotland
The People’s Assembly Scotland